planning, graphical design, development, maintaining and
administration of websites and applications of the ECB
internet (72.000 pages) and intranet (24.000 pages)
- publishing on the web press releases, speeches, official publications, reports etc.
- content enhancement together with all other business areas, monitoring the consistent structure and look-and-feel of the website
- web-editing and maintenance of the INTRANET in liaison with business areas
- decentralizing the publishing process with automatic updating tools such as the Legal framework, Weekly schedule, Weekly Financial Statement, Euro foreign exchange reference rates, press and publications database.
- making the ECB websites accessible also for small-screen devices such as Blackberry and other handhelds
- producing web-specific educational (e-learning) materials for E(S)CB staff and the general public
- contact person for technical problems, questions or
suggestions to a ECB website on the internet or intranet
- implementation and further development of ECB Content
Management Systems